Congress invitation

Things to know


The participation fee:

- HUF 8,000 in advance,

- HUF 10,000 on site.

- HUF 5,000 with book purchase

For the discount, add the book and the invitation to your cart and the discount will be credited automatically!

Search for our books: Our books


Our congress will be held on May 4, 2024 in Budapest, at the Aquincum Hotel. (Budapest, III., Prince Árpád útja 94.)


After payment, you will receive the entrance ticket immediately by email, upon presentation of which you are entitled to enter.

Discounted Entry

We provide discounted (free) participation for members of the Hungarian Naturopath Association and graduates of the Academy of Naturopaths.

They can apply on the application form created exclusively for them until April 4 at the following link: Discounted option for HLBS employees:


1st lecture block 9.00-10.45

Anna Cserny: How did my naturopathy knowledge change my life? (All my ancestors died of cancer, I knew I had to change.)

Dr. István Taraczközi: Metamorphosis of the soul - Is there life after death!?

Mme Souad JAAFAR and Edina Gyulai-Kertesi: Bol d'Air Jacquier, a natural and unique method from the French Holiste Laboratoire to improve cellular oxygen uptake

Dr. Dániel Pál: Holistic image of man, holistic healing in the Maharishi Ayurvedic system

2nd lecture block: 11.15-13.00

Tihamér Hartmann: Wheel of health - Handbook of self-healers

Nikolett Szabó: Antioxidant effect of mushroom extracts/polysaccharides – their antiviral properties

Dr. Ferenc Sárkány: "CODE OF LIFE" or protecting against the harmful effects of free radicals with natural substances

Tímea Sebestyén - Kendi Hana -: Áyurveda, the integrative application of the most ancient complete healing system

Dr. János Csicsor: Fats and oils - should we eat them or burn them?

3rd lecture block: 14.00-15.45

Dr. Enikő Veress: Ornithotherapy - The effect of birdsong on various diseases (with presentation of medically controlled cases)

Roberto Barnai: Why is it important to know the biological laws of nature?

Tamás Paulinyi: Research results and parapsychological aspects of near-death experiences

4th lecture block: 16.15-18.00

Kinga Mógor-Kárász: The painter who was obsessed with life: Renoir and his handwriting

Diána Fittler: Natural active ingredients in health protection - HLBS product development guidelines

Dr. György Egely: Is there a soul? The physics of the soul

Awards ceremony

Our previous exhibitors:

  • Biology
  • Miracle pharmacy
  • Healthy Élettér Kft.
  • HerbaPharm Kft.
  • HLBS Kft.
  • Hymato Products Kft.
  • Myrobalan Kft.
  • Naja Forest Kft.
  • NaturComfort Kft.
  • T. Orion DRTI Kft.
  • Origo Studio
  • In Pranagerden
  • Planet Herbal Kft.
  • Holiste Laboratoire
  • Biohálto Biokozmeticai Kft.
  • Target Soles Group Kft. (Möller's Hungary)
  • Energy Wave System Kft.
  • Vapor Spirit CBD oil (Werischgold Kft.)

The recipients of the Natural Medicine Award:

  • Dr. Ferenc Sárkány
  • Diana Fittler
  • Roberto Barna

For exhibitors

Companies wishing to exhibit can find all the information on the Companies page!

60 in stock

Congress Entrance

Congress Entrance

Regular price 10.000 Ft
Regular price 10.000 Ft Sale price 10.000 Ft
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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